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The most prestigious award, holding the highest possible level of recognition, the best delegate award is given to delegates who embrace all dilemmas that arise during council with an open mind and tackles obstacles holistically. At TTAMUN 2023, chairs will be assessing delegates based on the following criteria:


Delegates should carry themselves with dignity and be able to work with others who may have opposing views from their own. A Best Delegate should be able to maintain respect for other delegates, even when disagreements arise.


Delegates should be well versed with their country’s policy and should be able to abide by it in various situations they are placed in, sticking to their stance throughout the debate.


Delegates should contribute their personal ideas and opinions during debate, as well as offer them during resolution writing. An important thing for all delegates to remember is that it’s the quality of your contribution that is assessed, not the quantity!


A delegate who possesses the quality of a Best Delegate would be able to help with the flow of directing debate towards a resolution. This delegate would be able to redirect debate when they notice debate is not progressing as it should, through proposing methods such as focused moderated caucuses.


Doing extensive research prior to a MUN conference is essential as it enables delegates to offer various perspectives and factors in relation to their topics. The chairs will be able to clearly assess this based on their quality of debate, speeches and ideas brought forth by the delegate during resolution writing.


Delegates should submit their position papers punctually as requested by the respective chairs, having researched their country’s background, current situation and foreign policy as well as their country’s stance on the topics. 


*Only Applicable to Councils which requires Position Papers.


Chairs will be looking for delegates who take on their role of their country whole-heartedly, debating passionately about the issues of the council and trying their best to offer constructive ideas that contribute to the betterment of the council.


TTAMUN is introducing an honorary award that recognises the quality of not only individual delegates, but the quality of the group delegations from different institutions participating in the conference. 


A new system incorporated at TTAMUN 2023 will see chairs assess delegates individually over the course of the 3 days on a range of criteria, giving each delegate an individual score. These individual scores will be tallied up and an average score will be calculated for each group delegation, and a final average score will be given for each group delegation. 

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